Advanced Bible Decoder Pro




1 . Simulation ModeSimulation Mode

Simulation Mode

Simulation mode :

  • Fast Simulation

Do a fast simulation test by searching equivalent matrix in many generated monkey texts.


  • Real Simulation

Do a simulation test by searching equivalent matrix in many generated monkey texts.

2 . Simulation OptionsSimulation Options

Simulation Options

Limit MasterWord skip:

Equivalent matrix will have a MasterWord skip not greater than the MasterWord skip of the current matrix.

Limit SlaveWord f² (intra-ELS distance) :

Equivalent matrix will have a SlaveWord f² not greater than the SlaveWord f² of the current matrix.

Disable sharing letters :

Equivalent matrix will not share letters between ELS.


Take snapshots of the matrices :

Take a snapshot when an equivalent matrix will be found.

3 . Monkey TextsMonkey Texts

Monkey Texts

Number of monkey texts to be generated.

4 . Run buttonRun button

Run button

Run simulation test.

5 . Simulation logSimulation log

Simulation log

Simulation log contains information about current simulation.

6 . Simulation ResultsSimulation Results

Simulation Results

Remaining time :

Estimation of remaining time before simulation ending.


p-value :

Number of equivalant matrices found out of generated monkey texts number.