Bible Code Software

Matrices >> Bible Code

The skip of the matrix is 539.
The masterword of the matrix is : Bible Code.
The slavewords of the matrix are : Exists in the human language.

The skip of the matrix is 1032.
The masterword of the matrix is : God.
The slavewords of the matrix are : Code, True.

The skip of the matrix is -3916.
The masterword of the matrix is : In Torah.
The slavewords of the matrix are : Secret, Computer, Skip.

The skip of the matrix is 2012.
The masterword of the matrix is : In Torah.
The slavewords of the matrix are : Search, Codes, Skip.

The skip of the matrix is 22.
The words of the matrix are : Let there be, light, and there was, light, divided, light, darkness, evening, morning, between, he saw, codes.
Wikipedia : Bible Code
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